Minimum Wages

Please select the state you wish to find minimum wages for:

How to search for minimum wages:

  1. Type in the state/zone/district/ category/ class of employment for which you wish to search minimum wages for. Eg If you wish to search for minimum wage for skilled labour in India just type skilled labour and click "Enter"
  2. In case you wish to search for multiple queries, type in with space between the queries. Eg: If you wish to search for minimum wage for skilled labour applicable in Pune district of Maharashtra, then type in Pune skilled and click "Enter"
  3. The requested minimum wage will be presented on your screen. You can also use the filters to refine your search further.
  4. Click "Enter" or press on "Search"
  5. The minimum wages of the selected region will appear on your screen.

  6. You can check the respective minimum wage by clicking on "+" sign.
  7. To sort the data click on the column header. First click will arrange the data in descending order, second would click in ascending order and third click will remove any sorting if applied.

Applying filters

  1. Once you have searched for a query a list of filters appear on the left of the screen
  2. You can filter your queries on the basis of district, jobs and category
  3. Click on the down arrow to open the available choices
  4. Select the district,job and category by clicking on it and then click on "Apply Filters"
  5. To clear the filters, select "Clear All"
  6. You can download the minimum wages through Download Minimum Wages

Minimum Wages in India

Minimum labour wages in India is determined under Minimum wages Act, 1948 and is determined by considering 5 factors as per the recommendations of 15th Labour Conference:

  • The cost of three consumption units- husband, wife and two children for one earner. Income from women and children should be ignored
  • Satisfy the minimum food requirement of 2700 calories per person
  • Clothing requirement of 72 yards for a family annually
  • Rent of the minimum area as specified by Government's Industrial Housing Scheme
  • 20% of minimum wage should be the cost of fuel and miscellaneous items of expenditure

Currently, minimum wage rate in India are defined for nearly 2,000 different types of jobs for unskilled workers and over 400 categories of employment, with a minimum daily wage for each type of job. The monthly minimum wage calculation includes the variable dearness allowance (VDA) component, which accounts for inflationary trends, that is, the increase or decrease in the Consumer Price Index (CPI), and where applicable, the house rent allowance (HRA).

The calculation of the minimum wage factors in the skill-level of the worker and the nature of their work. Broadly, workers in India are categorized as unskilled, semi-skilled, skilled, and highly skilled.

Minimum Wages Lookup

Minimum wage lookup provides updated minimum wages information at a click which is expected to help organisations with labour wages in India. The filters deliver an ease in searching the respective minimum wages and assist in labour law compliance.

Upcoming Changes: Code on Wages

Code on Wages received the assent of the President of India in September 2020. The code absorbs our Central labour legislations namely the Payment of Wages Act, 1936, the Minimum Wages Act, 1948, the Payment of Bonus Act, 1965 and the Equal Remuneration Act, 1976. The code not only regulated the minimum labour wages in India but also the wages of employees performing managerial and supervisory duties.

The implementation date of Code on Wages along with the other three labour codes namely  the Social Security Code, the Code on Industrial Relations and the Code on Occupational Safety, Health and Working Conditions will be notified to users as per the government’s notification.